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Archive Monthly Archives: August 2016

Bulletproof Matcha Tea

Green Goo That’s Good For You

I’m going to just come out and say it – I’m not a big fan of coffee.

Blasphemy! Heresy! Apostasy!

Whatever. I’ve never developed a taste for the bitterness of roasted coffee, so I typically choose tea instead. When the bulletproof coffee craze came along, I gave it a try because I figured the fat would help cut the bitterness. It does in fact help cut the bitterness and I drank bulletproof coffee regularly for a time as a morning meal replacement to help ease my transition to intermittent fasting  (no eating between 7pm-11am). Once I had fully transitioned I went back to drinking tea, but I missed the smooth buttery taste of bulletproof coffee. Sadly, none of the teas I like really jive with being mixed with fats. Then I found matcha and everything changed. Read on to find out how.

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