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All posts by Mario

Kettlebell Buyers Guide - Title Pic

The Complete Kettlebell Buyers Guide

Kettlebells have become a popular fitness tool over the last decade, and for good reason. They’re versatile, efficient, and cost effective.

I’ve learned through trial and error that kettlebells are not all created equally. It’s important to consider several factors when choosing a kettlebell, which is why I put together this guide to answer common questions.

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Simply Fit Board Featured Image

Simply Fit Board Review – Functional or Fad?

Simply Fit Board Review by Fitness Test Lab

The Simply Fit Board is one of the hottest selling fitness products available at the time I write this. Everyone wants one of these things, and it seems like every store is getting in on the act. I knew it was a hot commodity when I even saw them for sale in Home Depot!

My wife was intrigued by it, so we bought one for her to use. She graciously let me borrow it for a lab test, so let’s find out if it lives up to the hype, shall we? Read More…

Build Your Own Balance Board

DIY Wobble Board for Faster Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation


Build Your Balance with a Balance Board You Build

I had the misfortune of rolling my ankle at the end of July 2016, so all experiments involving physical activity came to an abrupt halt for a time. I wish I could say I rolled it doing something cool, but I can’t. I was stepping off the edge of my garage (a height of about 1.5 inches) while carrying a large cumbersome box and my foot somehow landed wrong. Danger lurks everywhere! After an initial period of following the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, elevation), I spent the next two days alternating between application of ice and heat to help keep the swelling to a minimum. After that, the focus was on getting back on my feet as quickly as possible, both literally and figuratively. My research led me to a quirky tool called a wobble board, read on to learn how to build your own and how I used mine to help rehabilitate my sprained ankle.

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Small Batch Artisanal Raw Honey Infused With Sprouted Garlic

Brought to you by the “Because plain artisanal raw honey is too mainstream” department

Ingredients and Equipment

I got the idea for this from a post on David Wolfe’s blog about the health benefits of combining raw honey and garlic. I like garlic and I like honey, so I decided to see if they go great together like peanut butter and chocolate, or if they’re a bad combination like alcohol and bitter tears. Which is it? Let’s find out!

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Confessions of a fitness junkie

 I admit it

I’m a junkie. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?

Well, I have a problem. I have a burning desire to improve my life but limited time and resources available to pursue improvements. I’m willing to work hard but I get bored easily. These factors have contributed to me trying and ultimately discarding multiple diets, exercise programs, equipment, and protocols to help me lose weight, get stronger, have more energy, less pain, etc.

I’ve spent a lot of time, money, and energy looking for a magical fitness fix. Sadly, it doesn’t exist.
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